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The work plan of establishing Eastern Taiwan Environmental Regional Center (3rd year)

The Environmental Education Regional Center for Eastern Taiwan Project granted by the Environmental Protection Administration covered areas of three counties, Ilan, Hualien and Taitung. This Project is being conducted jointly by environmental education centers of three local universities. Satoyama Initiative visions will be pursued by implementing five major tasks: leadership academy, building environmental education capacity, technology to support the field, research and evaluation, and dissemination partnerships which were designated by the Environmental Protection Administration. The project will be operated for three years, with purposes to accumulate the human capitals, EE capabilities, and to enhance resilience of the societies in Eastern region to adapt with environmental changes and pursue sustainability. The contents of this report describe the progress of five major tasks till the midterm phase of the third year. For the academic leadership perspective, 18 academic learning circles are organized and starting their activity planning and delivery process. Since the pass of certification process, the EE institute of Donghwa university has hosted the first core course training program. The project also has translated and introduced international EE websites and materials and published on the newsletters, and helps promoting regional eco-schools. In perspective of capacity building, the project team continues to expand profile analysis on local EE team, hosts capacity building workshops, works closely with local environmental protection bureau and environmental NGOs, increases exchange and sharing of EE resources at all three counties in eastern region and starts planning process for final report conference. For the perspective of technology support, the project team continues to maintain and update the website of the Eastern regional EE center, collects material for developing new curricula and project, plans new regional EE curriculum based on local environmental issues and new medium, plans diverse university student summer camps, and attempts to develop EE curriculum related with local energy resources. For the perspective of research and evaluation, the team extends the performance models adopted in previous two years, and will examine the process of project execution and application of previous outputs for purpose of continuing fine-tuning by collaborating with the North regional EE center. The team is also investigating three innovative approaches and studying mechanism for enhancing capacity of EE facilities. For the perspective of partnership diffusion, the team is increasing cooperation mechanism with our EE partnership, and is planning and conducting a series of EE partnership diffusion workshops. In addition, the team is building partnership with industrial park and agriculture business to promote business of EE.
Environmental Education Regional Center, Capacity Building, Learning Circles, Partnership